🔥 主题:


💸 房租:$400000 / 月
🏠 地点:布鲁克林 纽约
🍻 分类:商业店铺
🕕 时间:09/30/23
💬 联系:917 330-7977

位Brooklyn 離法拉盛30分車程, 小型購物中心内, 好停車, , 3500尺加地室老店重新裝修
39台洗衣, 48台烘干,全部插卡式機台, 年營業40萬, 10年租約, 凈利22萬以上, 輕鬆打理,仍有很大開發市場 , 意者電經記陳先生 917 330-7977

Brooklyn large Laundromat

Welcome to our laundry store located in the heart of Brooklyn!
The store is situated in a small shopping center, offering easy parking for our valued customers. Our 3500 sq. plus basement. the store has undergone a complete renovation and features 39 washing machines and 48 dryers (Card Machine) With an annual revenue of $400,000 and up and a 10-year lease,

The business generates net profits of over $200,000.
Managing the store is a breeze, and there is still a largely untapped market for growth.

If you're interested, don't hesitate to get in touch with Mr. Chen at 917 330-7977 to learn more about this exciting opportunity!
